Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Grass Is Greener ....?

We currently have a lot of weeds in our yard, due to very little upkeep, while our neighbor Don spends his free time doing yard work (apparently some people enjoy weeding and mowing so much that they choose spend two hours a day doing it. Good for them.).  His yard is BEAUTIFUL. As we're pulling out of the driveway today, Travis says,

"Well, that's why we have so many weeds in our yard. The grass is too short."

 "The grass is almost 18 inches high."

"No, his grass is too short. It upsets the balance."

I had no words for this.

"When he cuts his grass too short, it pushes all the weeds into our yard."

Again, silence.


  1. So, forgive me for being a little slow, but is he saying that if your neighbor's lawn weren't so carefully tended that people just wouldn't notice the weeds in your yard? Is that the idea?

  2. No, he's actually saying that my neighbor is somehow (magically, maybe?) making our lawn weedier by cutting his grass too short. I really have no idea what the logic behind it is.
