Friday, May 21, 2010

A Day in the Life

Travis has a fairly firm life philosophy: calories are good for you; butter should be the staple of your diet (not implied: he has actually stated this emphatically several times); you should never eat ConAgra food products (pretty much anything you eat is ConAgra. I ignore this, as I refuse to grow my own grains. I also ignore the rest of it.); exercise should consist mainly of weight-bearing exercises; you should not turn on your lights. So, when I walked into the kitchen the other day, it wasn't actually a huge shock to find him doing lunges with three cookies in his hands, half of one in his mouth. In the dark.


  1. Okay, you have to explain ConAgra food products.

  2. Oh, you'd really have to ask Travis. It's one of those amorphous evils that permeates our world from what I can gather.

  3. Oh. I am going to love this blog. I have already giggled more reading your entries than I have all day.

  4. You gotta love the spontaneity!
